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Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills and Sheep
Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills and Sheep
Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills and Sheep

Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills and Sheep

Carcassonne Expansion 9: Hills and Sheep
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Get a better view with the hills and gain the advantage from the high ground. Hill tiles are elevated with another tile facedown beneath them. When scoring, the meeple on the hill will break a tie and claim the points. Add thriving vineyards to grow wine around a monastery and increase its value. Watch out for sabotage from your opponents! Only a completed monastery can claim the bonus points from the vineyards.

The shepherd carefully watches over his flock as they wander through the fields. Over time the flock can grow but be careful; if you wait too long to return your flock to the stable, wolves may attack. After placing a tile with a field, you may place a shepherd and immediately draw a token from the cloth bag. Drawing a sheep token will increase your flock. However, if you draw a wolf token the flock will scatter.

Contents: 18 Land Tiles, 18 Flock Tokens, 1 Cloth Bag, 6 Shepherds

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