7 wonders duel is a standalone 2 player game.
In 7 Wonders Duel, each player is leading a civilization and will, over the course of 3 ages, construct Buildings and Wonders.
For sleeving you need:
73 mini euro sleeves for the age cards.
12 large sleeves 1 for the wonder cards (i.e. normal 7 wonders)
Each player starts with four wonder cards, and the construction of a wonder provides its owner with a special ability. Only seven wonders can be built, though, so one player will end up short.
At the beginning of each Age, lay out 20 cards according to the structure of the current Age. Some cards are laid out face up, and others face down.
Each age card represents a building which will help the player to strengthen their army, make scientific discoveries, and develop their city.
You can win through a new military system. By gaining shields that allow you to move through the military track.
You can win through the new science system by collecting pairs of science symbols.
Or you can win by the most victory points at the end of age 3.
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