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A Phantom of Truth Mythos Pack for Arkham Horror LCG
A Phantom of Truth Mythos Pack for Arkham Horror LCG
A Phantom of Truth Mythos Pack for Arkham Horror LCG

A Phantom of Truth Mythos Pack for Arkham Horror LCG

A Phantom of Truth Mythos Pack for Arkham Horror LCG
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"He was a slender man, and his face was as white as his coat was black."
     –Robert W. Chambers, In the Court of the Dragon

Months after The Yellow King played at the Ward Theatre, your investigation into the strange events surrounding the play has left you with more questions than answers. You've encountered CultistsLunatics, and Monsters. You've uncovered horrific Schemes of untold scope. And you've witnessed Terrors that may or may not have been Omens of greater perils.

Now, as you wonder what to make of everything you've seen, where do you go for answers—even as your world's tilting into madness?

The answer: Paris.

In A Phantom of Truth, the third Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you and your fellow investigators make your way across the Atlantic. Tormented every night by vivid dreams of an alien world—with black stars, twin suns, shattered moons, and twisted spires—you decide not to grapple with your Doubts and Convictions in Arkham, but to pursue the play’s director, Nigel Engram, and whatever he might tell you about the sinister truths that lie behind the play.

With game effects that key off the campaign's rules for Doubt and Conviction, as well as a host of new player cards to help keep you grounded, A Phantom of Truth steeps you in a world of supernatural terrors, psychological torment, and thrilling mystery.

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