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Marvel Crisis Protocol Kingdom of Wakanda Terrain Pack
Marvel Crisis Protocol Kingdom of Wakanda Terrain Pack
Marvel Crisis Protocol Kingdom of Wakanda Terrain Pack

Marvel Crisis Protocol Kingdom of Wakanda Terrain Pack

Marvel Crisis Protocol Kingdom of Wakanda Terrain Pack
6 in stock
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The African Kingdom of Wakanda possesses some of the most advanced technology on Earth. Essential to Wakanda’s advances is access to rich deposits of the element vibranium. For most of its history Wakanda has endeavored to stay out of the conflicts of other nations, but this veil of secrecy has been pierced, exposing the nation to nefarious cabals that covet their wealth and technological secrets. In recent years outsiders have made numerous attempts to plunder their treasures. One point of potential vulnerability is the transports employed to haul vibranium ore from its mines to processing plants. Given the raw material is volatile, ore is stored for transport in compact triangular pods shielded by a hinged armor plate that can safely endure even an enraged Hulk. Protecting these transports is the highest priority and Wakanda’s noble defenders stand ready to confront any would-be thieves and villains.

Requires assembly and painting

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