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Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 Galactic Republic Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kit
Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 Galactic Republic Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kit
Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 Galactic Republic Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kit

Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 Galactic Republic Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kit

Star Wars X-Wing 2.0 Galactic Republic Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kit
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Announce your alliegance to the Galactic Republic with the Galactic Republic Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kit!

The three upgraded plastic protectors found in this kit proudly declare your dedication to preserving the Republic while enhancing the aesthetic look of your squadron. As you secretly plot your maneuvers each round, these protectors house a ship’s dial within a secure plastic housing. Additionally, the kits include a space on the back to insert dial ID tokens found in expansion packs, making it easy to differentiate between your ships in the middle of a game.

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